Terms & Conditions
They make up part integral of the contract Of package tourist beyond That the conditions general That they follow, the description of the tourist package contained in the catalog (online or paper), or in the separate one travel program, as well as the booking confirmation that is sent by the organizer to the agency seller, as agent of the traveller. When signing the package purchase proposal tourist, the traveler must keep in mind that it is considered read and accepted, for himself and for his subjects indicated in the contract, both the tourist package contract as regulated therein, and the warnings and conditions contained therein, and these general conditions.
There sale Of packages tourist And services tourist connected And disciplined from the Code of the Tourism (articles 32-51 - novies ) as amended by Legislative Decree 62/2018 which implements EU Directive 2015/2302 and its successors modifications and provisions of the civil code regarding transportation and mandate, as applicable.
The organizer and seller of the tourist package, to which the traveler turns, must be authorized to execution from the respective activity in basic at the legislation current, Also regional or municipal and operate as provided therein. The Organizer and the seller established on Italian territory must be covered from the civil liability insurance contract in favor of the traveler for compensation for damages arising from the violation of the respective obligations assumed with the respective contracts. Organization contracts package tourist are assisted from policies insurance or guarantees banking that, in cases of insolvency or failure of the organizer or of the salesperson guarantee, without delay on request of the traveler, The reimbursement of the price poured out For the purchase of the package And The come back in immediate of the traveler In the case in which The package includes transportation of the traveler, as well as, if necessary, payment for food and accommodation before come back in. Such obligation Yes apply Also to the professionals That they facilitate services tourist connected, For The reimbursement Of all payments they receive from travellers,
To the ends of the present contract of course For:
a) "traveler": whoever he means to conclude a contract, stipulation a contract or And authorized to travel in based on a tourist package contract or related tourist service;
b) "professional": any person physics or legal public or private That, within the scope from the her activity commercial, industrial, artisanal or professional acts in tourist package or service contracts connected tourist, also through another person who operates in his name or on his behalf, in the capacity of manager, salesperson, professional That facilitates services tourist connected or Of supplier Of services tourist, to the pursuant to current legislation;
c) "manager": a professional That combine packages And there sells or there offers in sale directly or through or together with another professional, or the professional who transmits the data relating to the traveler to a other professional in accordance with letter c), number 2.4) of the art. 33 of the tourism code;
d) "salesperson": The professional different by the organizer That sells or offers in sale packages combined from a manager;
e) "establishment": the establishment defined from the article 8, paragraph 1, letter And), of the decree legislative 26 March 2010, n. 59;
f) "durable support": any tool that allows the traveler or professional to preserve the information that I am personally addressed in way from be able to log into in future for a period Of time adequate at purpose which they I am intended And That allows there reproduction identical from the information memorized;
g) “unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances”: a situation beyond the control of the party invoking such situation And the which consequences Not they would be stay avoid neither adopting all the reasonable measures;
h) "defect Of compliance": a non-compliance of the services tourist included in a package;
i) "minor": person Of age inferior to the 18 years;
L) "come back in": The return of the traveler to the place Of departure or to other place agreed give her contracting parties .
4.1. “Tourist package” means the combination of at least two different types of tourist services (i.e.: 1. the transportation of passengers; 2. accommodation which does not constitute an integral part of the carriage of passengers and is not intended for residential purposes or for long-term language courses; 3. the rental of cars, other vehicles or motor vehicles and which require a category A driving licence; 4. any other tourist service that does not constitutes part integral Of one of the services tourist Of which to the numbers 1), 2) or 3), And Not is a service financial or insurance, nor qualifiable as a "supplementary tourist service") for the purposes of the same trip or the same holiday, if at least one of the following conditions occurs:
1) such services I am combined from a unique professional, Also on request of the traveler or accordance with to its selection, before a single contract for all services is concluded;
2) such services, Also self concluded with contracts distinct with individuals providers Of services tourist, are:
2.1) purchased at a unique point sale And selected Before That The traveler agree to the payment;
2.2) offered, sold or turnovers to a price flat rate or global;
2.3) advertised or sold under there name "package" or name similar;
2.4) combined after completion Of a contract with which the professional allows the traveler to choose from a selection of types different Of services tourist, or purchased among distinguished professionals through processes connected Of reservation For Street telematics where The first name of the traveler, The extremes of the payment And the address Of mail electronics they are transmitted from the professional with whom he is concluded on first contract a one or more professionals and The contract with the latter or these last
professionals is concluded to the more late 24 hours After there he confirms from the reservation of the first tourist service ;
4.2. At least we mean "connected tourist service". two types different of tourist services purchased for the purposes of same voyage or from the itself vacation, That Not they make up a package, And That behave there conclusion of separate contracts with individual tourism service providers, if a professional facilitates, alternatively: 1) al moment Of a single one visit or a unique contact with The own point sale, there selection distinct And The payment distinction of each tourist service by travellers; 2) the targeted purchase of at least one tourist service additional at a other professional when this purchase And' completed by the 24 hours from the confirmation of booking of the first tourist service.
5.1. Before from the conclusion of the contract Of package tourist or Of an offer corresponding the organizer And The salesperson they provide to the traveler The relevant "module informative standard" And they communicate to the traveler the following information:
a) the characteristics main of the services tourist, which: 1) there destination or the destinations of the voyage, the itinerary and the periods of stay with relative dates and, if accommodation is included, the number of nights included;
2) the means, characteristics and categories of transport, places, dates and times of departure and return, there duration And there location Of stopover intermediate And the coincidences; In the case in which the time Exactly Not is Still established, the organizer and, if applicable, the seller, inform the traveler of the approximate departure time and return; 3) the location, the main characteristics and, where applicable, the tourist category of the accommodation pursuant to
from the regulation of the village Of destination; 4) the meals provided; 5) the visits, the excursions or others services included in the total agreed price of the package; 6) tourist services provided to the traveler as a member of a group And, in in this case, the dimensions approximate of the group; 7) there tongue in to which they are provided the services; 8) if the trip or holiday are suitable for people with reduced mobility And, on request of the traveler, information precise on the suitability of the trip or the holiday that takes into account of the traveler's needs;
b) there name commercial And the address geographical of the organizer And of the salesperson, the They contact details telephone numbers and email addresses;
c) The price total of the package understanding Of taxes And everyone the rights, taxes And others costs additional, there included any administrative and case management costs, or, where these are not reasonable calculable before the conclusion of the contract, an indication of the type of additional costs that the traveler may still have to support;
d) the payment methods, including any amount or percentage of the price to be paid by way of advance payment And The calendar For The payment of the balance, or the guarantees financial That The traveler And held to pay or supply;
e) The number minimum Of people required For The package And The term Of which to the article 41, paragraph 5, letter to), Before of the beginning of the package For the possible resolution of the contract in case Of missed achievement of the number;
f) the information Of character general concerning the conditions in matter Of passport And seen, included the approximate times for obtaining visas and health formalities of the destination country;
g) the information on the faculty For The traveler Of withdraw from the contract in anyone moment Before of the beginning of the package upon payment of appropriate withdrawal costs, or, if applicable, standard withdrawal costs requests by the organizer;
h) information on the optional or mandatory subscription of insurance that covers the costs of withdrawal unilateral from the contract from part of the traveler or the expenses Of assistance, included The come back in, in case Of injury, illness or death;
i) The extremes from the coverage to protection in case Of insolvency or failure as well as of the contract Of civil liability insurance for the traveller;
l) information on the identity of the operating air carrier, if not known at the time of booking, correct prediction art.11 Reg. There is 2111\05 (Art. 11, paragraph 2 Reg. There is 2111/05: “If the identity of the air carrier actual or of the vectors planes effective Not And Still Note to the moment from the reservation, The contractor of the transport airplane does so that the passenger is informed of the name of the carrier or air carriers that will operate as vectors planes effective For The flight or the flights interested. In such case, The contractor of the transport airplane will make in way That The passenger be informed of identity of the vector or of the air carriers effective Not as soon as there They identity has been ascertained and their possible operational ban in the European Union"
5.2. For package travel contracts stipulated by telephone, the organizer or professional provides the traveler the information expected from the "module informative standard" Of which to the attachment TO, part II, of the code of the tourism.
5.3. In consideration of the long advance with which the catalogs are published that they report the information relating to the methods of use of the services, it is specified that the times and flight routes indicated in the acceptance from the proposal Of buying and selling of the services they might go up variations so long as subjects to next validation; the definitive flight times will be communicated in the days before departure and return. Please note that the flights charters are not subject, by definition, to systematic time scheduling.
5.4. As required by the art. 6.2 of EC Regulation 2027/97, will be provided upon request of passengers information on provisions in merit at the responsibility of the vector airplane community For damage from death, wounds And injuries personal, on obligations Of coverage insurance, as well as information on timing of the advance payments to the natural person entitled to compensation.
6.1. At the time of conclusion of the tourist package contract or, in any case, as soon as possible, the organizer or The salesperson, provides to the traveler a copy or a he confirms of the contract on a support durable.
6.2 The traveler has right to a copy paper so far as The contract Of package tourist is state stipulated at the simultaneous physical presence of the parties.
6.3. For How much regard the contracts negotiations out of the locals commercial, defined to art.45 c.1, lit. h), of the d. lgs. 206/2005, a copy or confirmation of the tourist package contract is provided to the traveler on paper or, if the traveler agrees, on another durable medium.
6.4. L contract Of package tourist Yes he means perfected, with result conclusion of the contract, Alone In the moment in which the organizer will send confirmation, also via electronic system, to the traveler at the salesperson.
6.5 The traveler needs to to communicate to the salesperson, Before from the reservation, possible requests specifications That Yes they are considered the subject of the contract only if possible, reported in writing in the contract and accepted by the organizer.
6.6.I documents Of voyage (e.g. voucher) they will come delivered to the traveler in time useful Before from the departure And the traveler must keep them and carry them with him during the trip, in order to use the services regularly booked, together with any other documents (e.g. airline tickets) delivered by the seller. The traveler is required to verify the correctness of the data reported on the aforementioned documents and on the travel contract and to to communicate immediately to the salesperson possible errors. The traveler needs to to communicate to the organizer the data of the participants exactly as reported on their personal identity documents.
6.7. Possible excursions, services or performance purchased And paid come on travellers to destination I am strangers to the this contract. Therefore no responsibility in this regard can be attributed to the organizer or the seller, not even in the event that, as a courtesy, resident staff, companions, guides or local correspondents can take care of their booking.
7. 1. Upon signing the contract, the following must be paid: a) the registration or management fee practice (you see art. 8); b) advance payment in the measure indicated by the organizer or from the salesperson. The balance will have to to be without delay poured out within The term established by the organizer In the own catalog or in the he confirms Of reservation.
7.2. Failure to pay the above sums, on the established dates, as well as failure to remit to the organizer from the sums pour from the traveler to the salesperson will result there automatic resolution Of right of the contract from operate with simple communication written, Street fax or Street e-mail, at The salesperson, or at The domicile Also electronic, where press release, of the traveler. The balance of the price Yes consider happened when the sums reach the organizer directly from the traveler or through the seller.
8.1 The price of the tourist package is determined in the contract, with reference to what is indicated in the catalog or on the organizer's website, or non-catalogue/tailor-made program and any updates to the same catalogs or out-of-catalogue programs subsequently introduced, or on the Operator's website. It will be able to to be varied, in increase or decrease, only in consequence at variations Of: - price of the transport of passengers depending on the cost of fuel or other energy sources; - the level of duties and taxes on services tourist taxes included in the contract imposed by third parties not directly involved in the execution of the package, including the taxes Of landing, Of landing or Of boarding in the ports And in the airports; - taxi Of exchange relevant to the package in question. A price increase is only possible with prior notification on durable support aside from the organizer to the traveler together with the justification for this increase and the calculation methods, at least 20 days Before of the beginning of the package. Self the increase Of price exceeds 8% of the price total of the package the following point 9.2 applies. In case of price decrease, the organizer has the right to deduct the administrative and management costs of the actual procedures from the reimbursement due to the traveler, of which he is required to provide proof upon request of the traveller.
8.2. The price is made up of: a) registration fee or practice management fee; b) participation fee: expressed in the catalog or in the package quote provided by the seller to the traveller; c) possible costs policies insurance against the risks Of annulment, withdrawal and/or expenses medical or others services required; d) cost any visas and entry and exit taxes from the holiday destination countries; e) airport charges and taxes and/or ports.
9.1. Before of the beginning of the package, the organizer can unilaterally modify the conditions of the contract other than the price, provided that they are modifications of of little importance, communicating them to the traveler on a durable support, also through the seller.
9.2. Self, Before of the beginning of the package, the organizer And forced to modify in way significant a or more main characteristics of tourist or non-tourist services can meet specific requests accepted in precedence and expressly reported in the contract or proposes to increase the price of the package more than 8% the traveler, within a reasonable period specified by the organizer at the same time as the change notice, may accept the proposed change or withdraw from the contract without pay withdrawal costs. In case of withdrawal, the organizer can offer the traveler a package replacement of equivalent or higher quality. The change notice informs the traveler of the changes proposals, there They incidence on the price of the package, The term within The Which The traveler And held to inform the organizer of his decision and the consequences of the traveler's failure to respond within the aforementioned time period as well as any replacement package offered and its price.
9.3. Self the changes of the contract Of package tourist or The package replacement behave a package Of lower quality or cost, the traveler is entitled to an appropriate price reduction.
9.4. In case Of withdrawal from the contract Of package tourist to the senses of the previous paragraph self The traveler Not accepts a replacement package, the organizer refunds without undue delay and in any case within fourteen days from withdrawal from the contract all payments made by or on behalf of the traveler and yes the provisions of the art. apply. 43, paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 tourism code.
9.5. The organizer can withdraw from the tourist package contract and offer the traveler a refund whole wheat of the payments carried out For The package, but Not And held to deposit a compensation additional self:
a) the number of people registered for the package is less than the minimum required by the contract and the organizer communicates the withdrawal from the contract to the traveler within the deadline set in the contract and in any case no later Of 20 days Before of the beginning of the package in case Of trips That they last more Of 6 days, Of 7 days Before of the beginning of the package in case of trips lasting between 2 and 6 days, 48 hours before the start of the package in the case of trips lasting less than 2 days; b) the organizer is unable to perform the contract due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances and communicates the withdrawal from the same to the traveler without unjustified delay before the package starts.
10.1. The traveler can withdraw from the contract at any time before the start of the package back payment of adequate withdrawal costs, or, if applicable, standard withdrawal costs (penalties of cancellation) foreseen by the organizer, which depend on the chosen destination and the moment in which the traveler withdraws from the departure date. In the absence of specification of standard withdrawal costs, the amount from the expenses Of withdrawal corresponds to the price of the package decreased of the savings Of cost And of the income which derive from the reallocation of tourist services.
10.2. The traveler can take out insurance policies to cover the aforementioned withdrawal costs unilateral from part of the traveler or from the expenses Of assistance, included The come back in, in case Of injury, illness or death. In basic to the package chosen, the organizer in shape The traveler on the subscription optional or mandatory for such insurance.
10.3. Withdrawal costs are not due in the cases provided for in the previous article 9 point 2. In the event of circumstances inevitable And extraordinary occurred In the place Of destination or in his immediate vicinity And That have a substantial impact on the execution of the package or on the transport of passengers to the destination, the traveler has the right to withdraw from the contract, before the start of the package, without pay withdrawal costs, and a full refund of payments made for the package, but has not right to additional compensation.
10.4. In the case of contracts negotiated away from commercial premises (as defined by art. 45 c.1 letter h) code consumption), the traveler has the right to withdraw from the tourist package sales contract within a period of five days from the date of conclusion of the contract or from the date on which it receives the contractual conditions and the preliminary information if subsequent, without penalties and without giving any reason. In the case of offers of with rates noticeably decrease respect at offers currents, The right Of withdrawal And excluding. In such last case the organizer documents the price change adequately highlighting the exclusion of the right to withdrawal.
11.1. If due to circumstances not attributable to the organizer it is impossible to provide, in progress of execution of the contract, a part substantial, For value or quality, from the combination of the services tourist agreed in the tourist package contract, the organizer offers, without supplement price to load of the traveller, adequate alternative solutions of quality, where possible equivalent or higher, than those specify In the contract, so that the execution of the package can to continue, included the eventuality That The return of the traveler to the place of departure not is provided as agreed. If the proposed alternative solutions result in a package of lower quality than that specified in the tourist package contract, the organizer grants the traveler an adequate price reduction.
11.2. The traveler can reject the proposed alternative solutions only if they are not comparable to what agreed in the tourist package contract or if the price reduction granted is inadequate. 11.3. If it's impossible prepare solutions alternatives or The traveler rejects the solutions alternatives proposals, compliant to as indicated in point 1, the traveler is entitled to a price reduction. In case of non-compliance of the obligation Of offer applies The point 15.5 11.4. Where, to cause of circumstances that did not arise attributable to the organizer, it is impossible ensure the return of the traveler as agreed in the package contract tourist, points 15.6 and 15.7 apply.
12.1 The traveler can do substitute to self other person Always That:
to) the organizer neither is informed within And Not beyond seven days Before of the beginning of the package; b) there person which intends to assign the contract satisfies all the conditions for using the service and in particular the requirements relating to passport, visas, health certificates; c) the same services or other replacement services may to be provided to following from the replacement; d) come pour to the organizer all the expenses administrative And of practical management to proceed with the replacement, to the extent that will be quantified before the transfer, providing, at the request of the transferor, the privacy relating to the rights, taxes or other additional costs resulting from the assignment. The transfer costs could include, for example, the purchase of new transport tickets at the fare available And current to the moment from the request Of assignment; Yes precise That the costs from the ticket office I am subjects to continue changes And fluctuations Of price And they depend from the class Of reservation, from the availability Of places flight, the type of fare, the class of the flight, the date of issue and the date of the flight.
12.2. The assignor And The transferee of the contract Of package tourist I am jointly responsible For The payment of the balance of the price and any duties, taxes and other additional costs, therein
included the possible expenses administrative And Of management from the practices, resulting from such assignment.
12.3. In application of the art. 944 of the Code from the Navigation, there replacement will be possible Alone with the consent of the vector.
12.4 If the traveler requests the change of an element and/or tourist service of an already confirmed practice e provided that the request does not constitute a contractual novation and provided that its implementation is possible, it must match to the organizer the expenses administrative And Of management practice And the expenses consequent at the edit itself (in the event that airline tickets need to be reissued, the transfer will entail the application of the tariff available on that date ).
13. 1. In the course from the negotiations And Anyway Before from the conclusion of the contract, to the citizens Italians I am provided general information - updated to the date of printing of the catalog - regarding the conditions in matter Of passports And seen, included the times approximate For obtaining of the seen And the formality healthcare of the Destination Country
13.2. For the rules relating to the expatriation of Italian minors, please refer expressly to what is indicated on the site of the State Police. However, it should be noted that minors must be in possession of an individual document valid For expatriation ( passport , or For the Villages EU, paper Of identity valid For expatriation with indication of the names of the parents). Minors of years 14 And the minors for the which And necessary the Authorization issued from the Authority Judicial, the requirements indicated on the State Police website http:// must be followed www.poliziadistato.it/article/191/.
13.3. THE citizens foreigners they must to be in possession Of passport individual and possible view of entrance And will be able to find the necessary and updated information through their diplomatic representations present in Italy and/or the respective official government information channels.
13.4 THE travellers they will provide, Before from the departure, to to verify at the competent authority (For the citizens Italian local Police Headquarters or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the website www.viaggiaresicuri.it or the Telephone Operations Center at number 06.491115) that your documents are in order with the indications provided and to adapt in good time before the start of the package. In the absence of such verification, none responsibility for the failure of one or more travelers to depart may be attributed to the seller or to the organizer.
13.5 THE travellers they will have to in Everything is fine case inform The salesperson And the organizer from the own citizenship Before from the request Of reservation And, to the moment from the departure they will have to make sure Of to be equipped of the certificates Of vaccination, individual passport and any other document valid for all countries covered by the itinerary, as well as residence and transit visas and health certificates that may be required.
13.6. To the end Of evaluate there situation Of safety socio\politics, healthcare And Everything is fine other information useful relative to the Countries and places Of destination And in They immediate vicinity and, so, usability objective of the services purchased or to be purchased and any substantial impact on the execution of the package, the traveler will have the burden of taking official information of a general nature from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and disseminating it through The institutional site from the Farnesina www.viaggiaresicuri.it. The information Of mentioned above not can be contained in the organizers' catalogs - online or on paper - since they contain information descriptive of a general nature and not information subject to change by official authorities. The updated information therefore they must be assumed by the travellers, viewing all the information on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs www.viaggiaresicuri.it (tabs “Countries”, “health in journey” e "Warnings"). The traveler is held in basic to the principle from the diligence of the Good father Of family a verify the correctness of your personal documents and those of any minors, as well as to obtain documents valid for expatriation according to the rules of your own State and the conventions that regulate the matter. The traveler must carry out the relevant formalities even considering that the seller or the organizer does not are required to obtain visas or documents.
13.7. Where to date Of reservation there destination chosen turns out, come on information channels institutional, locations subject to "advice or "warning" for safety reasons, the traveler who subsequently should exercise the withdrawal, he will not be able to invoke, for the purposes of exemption or reduction of the request compensation For The withdrawal operated, The come less from the cause contractual connected at conditions Of safety of the Village.
13.8. Travelers will have to stick to it to compliance from the rules of normal caution And diligence and to those specifications in force in the travel destination countries, all the information provided to them by the organiser, as well as regulations, administrative or legislative provisions relating to the tourist package. The travelers they will be called to answer Of everyone the damage That the organizer and/or The salesperson they should go up Also to cause of failure to comply with the obligations indicated above, including the expenses necessary for their repatriation. Furthermore, the organizer can demand from the traveler the payment of a reasonable cost for the assistance provided to him, so far as The problem is caused intentionally from the traveler or For her guilt, in the limits from the expenses incurred.
13.9. The traveler is obliged to provide the organizer or seller with all documents, information and elements in his possession useful For the exercise of the right Of regress in the comparisons of the subjects That have caused or contributed to the occur from the circumstances or of the event from which I am derivatives the compensation, there reduction of the price, compensation or other obligations in question as well as of the subjects kept to provide services Of assistance ed accommodation in force of other provisions, in the event that the traveler cannot return at the place of departure, as well as for the exercise of the right of subrogation towards third parties responsible for the damage and is liable towards the organizer of the damage caused to the right of subrogation.
13.10. The traveler needs to Always to communicate TIMELY to the organizer, Also through The salesperson, any defects of conformity found during the execution of the package, as indicated in the following article 15.
The official classification of hotel facilities is provided in the catalog or in other information material only in basic at expressed And formal directions from the competent authority of the Village in which The service And disbursed. In the absence of official classifications recognized by the competent Public Authorities of the EU member countries to which the service refers, or in the case of structures marketed as a "Tourist Village", the organizer does reserves the right to provide its own description of the accommodation facility in the catalog or brochure , such as to allow an evaluation and consequent acceptance of the same by the traveler.
15.1 Pursuant to art. 42 tourism code, the organizer is responsible for the execution of all tourist services expected from the contract of package tourist, regardless from the fact that such tourist services must to be lent by the organizer same, come on his auxiliaries or supervisors when they act in the exercise from the They functions, by third parties whose work it uses or by other suppliers of tourist services, pursuant to art. 1228 of the civil code .
15.2. The traveler, pursuant to articles 1175 and 1375 cc, informs the organizer, directly or through the salesperson, promptly, held I count from the circumstances of the case, Of possible defects Of compliance detected during the performance of a tourist service provided for by the tourist package contract.
15.3. Self one of the services tourist Not And executed second How much agreed In the contract Of package tourist, the organizer remedies the lack of conformity, unless this proves impossible or results excessively onerous, taking into account the extent of the lack of conformity and the value of the tourist services affected by the defect. If the organizer does not remedy the defect, point 16 applies.
15.4. Done Greetings the exceptions Of which to the paragraph previous, self the organizer Not poses remedy to the defect Of compliance within a period reasonable fixed from the traveler in relation at the duration And at characteristics of the package, with the complaint made promptly pursuant to point 13.2, the traveler can remedy personally to the defect and request reimbursement of the necessary expenses, provided they are reasonable And documented; if the organizer refuses to remedy the lack of conformity or if it is necessary to remedy it The traveler does not immediately need to specify a deadline.
15.5. If a lack of conformity, pursuant to of the article 1455 cc, constitutes a significant breach importance of the services tourist included in a package And the organizer Not you has place remedy within a period reasonable established by the traveler in relation to the duration and characteristics of the package, with the dispute made pursuant to point 15.2, the traveler may, without charge, resolve right and with effect the package contract immediately tourist or, if appropriate, request, pursuant to point 16 below reduction of the price, safe Anyway the possible compensation of the damage. In case Of resolution of the contract, self The package understood The transport of the passengers, the organizer provides Also to the come back in of the traveler with equivalent transport without unjustified delay and without additional costs for the traveller.
15.6. Where is impossible ensure The come back in of the traveler, the organizer he claims the costs of the accommodation necessary, where possible of an equivalent category to what was foreseen by the
contract, For a period Not superior to 3 nights For traveler or For The period more long possibly expected from the legislation of the Union European relating to rights of the passengers, applicable to the relevant means of transport.
15.7. The cost limitation referred to in the previous paragraph 15.6 does not apply to people with reduced mobility, defined from the art. 2, par. 1, lit. to), of the Reg. (EC) n. 1107/2006, And to the They companions, at women in state of pregnancy, unaccompanied minors and people in need of specific medical assistance, provided the organizer have received communication from the They details needs at least 48 hours Before of the beginning of the package.
16.1. The traveler has right to an adequate one reduction of the price For The period during The Which you is state defect of conformity, unless the organizer demonstrates that this defect is attributable to the traveler.
16.2. The traveler has right Of receive by the organizer The compensation adequate For anyone harm That can have suffered as a result of a lack of conformity.
16.3 The traveler is not entitled to compensation for damages if the organizer proves that the defect compliance And attributable to the traveler or to a third stranger at the supply of the services tourist included In the contract Of tourist package and is unpredictable or unavoidable or is due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances.
16. 4. To the organizer Yes apply the limitations expected give her conventions international in force That they bind Italy or the EU, relating to the extent of compensation or the conditions under which it is due from a supplier who provides a tourist service included in a package.
16.5. The tourist package contract may provide for the limitation of the compensation due by the organizer, safe That For the damage at the person or those caused intentionally or For guilt, so long as such limitation Not is less than three times the total price of the package.
16.6. The compensation or price reduction granted under the Tourism Code and the compensation or the reduction of the price granted to the senses Of others regulations community And conventions international applicable they must be deducted from each other.
17.1 The organizer lend appropriate assistance without delay to the traveler That Yes finds in difficulty Also in circumstances Of which to the point 15.7, in particular by providing the appropriate information regard to the services healthcare, at local authorities and consular assistance and assisting the traveler in carrying out remote communications e helping him to find alternative tourist services.
17.2 The traveler can to direct messages, requests or complaints concerning to execution of the package directly to the seller through whom you purchased it, who, in turn, promptly forwards such messages, requests or complaints to the organizer.
The salesperson must indicate his/her capacity and is exclusively responsible for the execution of the mandate granted to him by the traveler with the travel intermediation contract, regardless of whether the performance is surrender from the salesperson same, come on his auxiliaries or supervisors when they act in the exercise from the They functions or come on third parties from the which Opera Yes avail, having to fulfillment from the bonds hired to be valued with regard to the diligence required for the exercise of the corresponding professional activity.
Self Not expressly included In the price, And possible And advisable, stipulate to the moment from the reservation at the offices of the organizer or seller special insurance policies to cover withdrawal costs (always due except for the specific exceptions provided for by the tourism code) referred to in point 10, as well as those arising from accidents and/or illnesses which also cover repatriation costs and loss and/or damage of the luggage. The rights nascent come on contracts of insurance they must to be practice from the traveler directly towards the contracting Insurance Companies, under the conditions and in the manner provided for in the policies the same, paying attention, in particular, to the timing for opening the claim, the deductibles, limitations and exclusions. The contract Of insurance in to be Between traveler And Company insurance company has Force of law between the parties and exerts its effects between the traveler and the insurance company pursuant to art. 1905 cc
Travelers, at the time of booking, must communicate to the seller any specific needs or problems For the which Yes should give necessary and/or appropriate the issue Of policies different from those proposed or included in the package price.
The organizer will provide the traveler with information regarding any existing data processing procedures complaints and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms (ADR - Alternative Dispute Resolution ), ai senses of decree legislative 6 September 2005, n. 206 And, if present, to the organism ADR from which the professional And' disciplined And at the platform Of resolution from the controversies online to the senses of the regulation (EU) n. 524/2013.
21.1. The organizer And The salesperson established in Italy I am covered from contract Of insurance For there responsibility civil in favor of the traveler for compensation for damages resulting from the violation of the respective obligations undertaken with their respective contracts.
21.2. THE contracts of organization of tourist package are assisted by insurance policies or guarantees banking That, for travel abroad ei trips that take place within a single country, ibid included the trips in Italy, in the cases Of insolvency or failure of the organizer or of the salesperson guarantee, without delay on request of the traveler, The reimbursement of the price poured out For the purchase of the package And The come back in immediate of the traveler in case in which the package includes The transportation of traveller, as well as, if necessary, The payment of the food And of the accommodation Before of the come back in. In alternative to the reimbursement of the price or to the come back in immediate, can to be offer to the traveler the continuation of the package in the manner referred to in articles 40 and 42 of the tourism code.
21.3 The same guarantees I am lend come on professionals That they facilitate services tourist connected For The reimbursement of all payments they receive from travellers, to the extent that a tourist service that is part of a service connected tourism is not carried out due to the state of insolvency or bankruptcy of the professionals.
The contracts having as their object the offer of the transport service only, of the accommodation service only, or of any other separate tourist service, cannot be configured as a contractual case travel organization or tourist package, do not enjoy the protections provided by the tourism code e The contractual conditions of the individual supplier will apply. Responsibility for the correct fulfillment of the contract belongs to the service provider. In the case of booking connected tourist services, the traveler has access to a protection aimed at reimbursing payments received for services not provided due to the insolvency of professional That has cashed the sums pay from the traveler. Such protection Not predicts any reimbursement in event of insolvency of the relevant service provider.
Excursions, services and services purchased by the Traveler on site and not included in the price of the tourist package are extraneous to the object of the relevant contract. Therefore, no responsibility can be attributed to either the organizer or the service intermediary even in the event that, as a courtesy, residents, companions or local correspondents may take care of the booking of such excursions
Compensation for Death or Injury: There is no financial limit on liability for your injury or death passenger. For damages up to 100,000 SDRs (equivalent to approximately 121,000 euros) the air carrier cannot contest the requests Of compensation. To the Of there Of such amount The vector airplane can contest a request Of compensation Alone if it's in degree Of try that the harm Not The And attributable - Advances of payment: in case of injuries or death of a passenger, the carrier must pay within 15 days of identifying the person entitled to compensation, a advance Of payment For cope with immediate need economical. In case of death, the advance Not can be less than 16,000 SDRs (equivalent to approximately 19,400 euros) - delays in the transport of passengers: In the event of delay, the carrier is liable for the damage unless it has taken all possible measures to avoid it or that it was impossible to take such measures. Liability for damage is limited to 4,150 SDRs (equivalent to about 5000 EUR) - Delays In the transport of the luggage: In case Of delay, The vector airplane And responsible For The harm to unless you took all possible measures to avoid it or it was impossible to take such measures.
The liability for damage is limited to 1,000 SDRs (equivalent to approximately 1200 euros) - Destruction, loss or damage of baggage: The air carrier is liable in the event of destruction, loss or damage of baggage up to 1,000 SDRs (equivalent to about 1200 EUR). In case Of luggage registered, The vector airplane And responsible of the harm Also self The his behavior is free from fault, except for fault inherent to the luggage same. How long concerns the luggage unregistered, the air carrier is only liable if the damage is attributable to it - Higher limits of liability for baggage: Passengers can benefit from a higher limit of liability by issuing a declaration special, to the more late to the moment from the registration, And paying a supplement - Complaints concerning to the luggage: In case of harm, delay, loss or destruction during The transportation of luggage, The passenger needs to make a written complaint to the carrier as soon as possible. In the event that your checked baggage is damaged, the passenger must lodge a complaint in writing within 7 days, and in case of delay within 21 days, from the date on which the baggage was made available to the passenger - Responsibility of the contracting carrier and the carrier effective: If the air carrier operating the flight is not the contracting air carrier, the passenger has the right to file a claim or complaint with both of us. If the name or code of an air carrier appears on the ticket, this carrier is the contracting carrier - Time limits for compensation action: Legal remedies must to be adite within two years from the date Of I arrive or from the date at the Which The flight would have been due arrive.
Communication mandatory former art. 17 L. 38/2006 "There law Italian punishes with there imprisonment the crimes concerning prostitution and child pornography, even if committed abroad”.